我参观了我管理的一处房产,因为租户拖欠房租. 他们搬了出去,带走了他们的财产,但留下了相当大的破坏, plus a lot of trash. 他们还留了一张纸条,上面写着他们的新地址,让房主退还押金. 业主能否保留按金以支付维修及清理的费用?

No, he cannot automatically keep the security deposit. However, he may be entitled to some or all of it, 因为这是一笔基金,用来抵消业主因租客违约而遭受的损失.

The Texas REALTORS® Residential Lease (TAR 2001)列出因承租人违反租约,业主可从按金中扣除的款项. In your case, 很可能拖欠的租金和你所描述的其他损失将超过保证金的数额,业主将被允许保留所有的保证金.

Since the tenants left a written statement of their forwarding address, 业主或业主须在租客交出管有物业后30天内,向租客提供书面说明及扣减按金的详细清单.

我管理的一处房产的租户是一对夫妇,他们的名字都在租约上. This week, 他们每个人都告诉我他们要离婚了,并给了我必要的书面通知,要求在下个月租约到期时终止他们的租约. 他们还要求将保证金直接退还给他们. 如果他们俩的名字都在租约上,我应该把支票开给谁?

Paragraph 10C of the TAR Residential Lease (TAR 2001)订明,租金按金将退还给租约上所列的所有租户. 由于两个租户都被指定为租约的当事人,所以支票应同时支付给他们.

我管理的一处物业有个租客,他与房东签订了租约,并支付了保证金和第一个月的租金. The day before the date the lease period began, 房客通知我他改变了主意,不再想租那套房子了. 租客让我把保证金和第一个月的租金寄到他的新地址, but the landlord wants to keep the funds. Can the landlord do this?

Maybe. The landlord has an obligation to secure a satisfactory replacement tenant. A tenant may also attempt to locate a replacement tenant. 未能在租约生效日期前找到满意的替代租客入住, 业主可要求承租人违约,并行使第27条所述的补救措施 Residential Lease. 这可以让房东保留保证金和第一个月的租金.

On the other hand, 如果房东确实找到了一个满意的替代租客,可以在开始日期搬进来, 房东只能从保证金和第一个月租金中扣除租约中约定的一笔金额作为退租费或房东为寻找替代租客而发生的实际费用.

After the sale of a home occupied by a renter, 人们发现,保证金并没有作为交易的一部分从卖方转移给买方. 现在双方在租赁结束后由谁来承担保证金的问题上无法达成一致. Who is responsible for the security deposit?

Both buyer and seller could be responsible. Under the provisions of Section 92.105 of the Texas Property Code, 在租赁终止后,卖方和买方可以向承租人承担保证金和退还保证金的责任. 新业主有责任自取得物业之日起退还保证金. However, 在买方向承租人提交一份签署的声明,承认买方是新业主,并已收到并承担承租人的保证金之前,卖方仍需承担从承租人那里收到的保证金. 成交后保证金的转让在TREC一户四户住宅合同中有明确规定. 第9(B)(5)条现在明确规定:“如果该财产受租赁约束, 卖方应(i)向买方交付承租人签署的租约和入住条件表, if any, and (ii) transfer security deposits (as defined under §92.102, Property Code), if any, to Buyer. In such an event, 买方应向租客提交一份签署的声明,确认买方已收到保证金,并负责退还保证金, and specifying the exact dollar amount of the security deposit.” Texas REALTORS® form 2210, 致租客有关管理及保证金责任变更的通知, could also be used for this purpose with a few obvious changes. Note: Section 92.《十大网络彩票平台大全》第105条不适用于通过丧失抵押品赎回权获得所有权的2021十大正规彩票app抵押留置权人.

I am the property manager for a property with three tenants. 在租期结束时,其中一个房客决定独自生活并搬出去了. 另外两名租户决定签一份新租约,并留在目前的出租物业. The tenant that moved now wants her portion of the security deposit back. 因为租约要求退还保证金必须支付给租约上列出的所有租户, 我不确定在两个租户不离开的情况下,如何处理这个租户的保证金返还或核算.

在其余两名租客交出物业后30天内,任何租客的保证金均无须退还或结算. Generally, 房东有义务在承租人交出租赁财产后的第30天或之前退还和/或提供书面说明和所有扣除项目的详细清单. “Surrender” is defined in paragraph 16 of the Residential Lease (TXR 2001) as “when all occupants have vacated the Property, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, and one of the following events occurs: (a) the date Tenant specifies as the move-out or termination date in a written notice to Landlord has passed; or (b) Tenant returns keys and access devices that Landlord provided to Tenant under this lease.”

In a situation where there are multiple tenants in a rental property, “surrender” does not occur until the last occupant moves out. Even if one tenant has moved out of the property, returned the keys, given proper notice of termination, provided a written forwarding address and is not delinquent in rent, if the remaining tenants extend or sign a new lease with the landlord, 由于并非所有租客都已退租,租客还没有资格领取保证金.

其余租客可自行与即将迁出的租客分摊保证金. 这样,腾空的租户就不必等待押金的退款或结算,物业经理或房东也不必试图将部分押金退还给腾空的租户, 特别是当房东或物业经理可能还不知道需要从保证金中扣除什么费用时,因为, under the lease, 承租人对租约中的所有条款承担连带责任.

我为一对夫妇管理物业,他们都签署了《2021十大正规彩票app》(TAR 2201). After the tenant vacated, 妻子打电话告诉我她和丈夫离婚了,并让我把房客的押金转给她, so she could make improvements to the property. She planned to live there until matters were settled with her husband. The husband also called. He asked that I return the security deposit to the tenant, less any deductions for damages beyond normal wear and tear. I took deductions from the security deposit and the sent the balance, along with a written description and itemized list of deductions, to the tenant. 既然我已经把剩余的保证金退还给租客了,我要对妻子负责吗? 如果租客对我的扣款有异议,我是否要向租客承担法律责任?

No. The wife is not automatically entitled to the security deposit. 如果承租人对物业造成超出正常磨损的损坏, both the wife and the husband are entitled to the funds, not just the wife. Furthermore, 住宅租赁和物业管理协议(TAR 2201)授权您, as the property manager, 为你在信托帐户内的保证金作账,并根据租约及《2021十大正规彩票app》从保证金中扣除任何款项. 因此,除非你没有支付保证金,否则你不承担责任. Also, 如果房客对你的扣款有异议,你将不承担任何责任, 因为该协议保障你不受任何索赔或损失从房客退还保证金.

我在管理一处房产,业主终止了今天生效的管理协议. 该物业的一位租户之前通知我们,他将不再续签租约. The lease ends 30 days from today. I have the security deposit in my trust account. What do I do with the security deposit?

保证金是承租人向房东支付的保证金,作为承租人履行租约的担保. 房东必须在租期结束时向房客支付押金. Under most property-management agreements, 物业管理人在租期内代表业主收取保证金,租期结束时则代表业主向租客记账. Since you are no longer the landlord's agent, 你应将按金转交业主,并提醒他在租客迁出物业时,有责任缴付按金. 你应该给租客发书面通知,告诉他你不再是房东的代理人, that you tendered the security deposit to the landlord, 房东有责任向租客支付保证金. Alternatively, 你和房东可以达成协议,你将继续持有这笔钱并支付保证金, 但这种安排应以书面形式说明,并具体说明双方的责任, 例如,谁将在搬家时检查财产的损坏情况,谁将对任何扣除作出决定.